Mak Dau dong dong poon ngo sum 2012
Mak Dau dong dong poon ngo sum 2012
Mandarin , Cantonese , English
79 دقیقه
6.5/10 209
چین , هنگ کنگ

1 جایزه و 2 نامزدی جایزه

McDull: The Pork of Music is virtually a musical, describing how the kindergarten, now destitute in HK’s depressed economy, forms a student chorus to raise operating funds. The choir, of course, becomes wildly famous, and, guided by shady manager Big M (Ronald Cheng), reaches the apotheosis of HK culture: on stage with superstar Andy Lau.

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Ganool HDTV x264 MKV Manual Sub Download
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