Silent House 2011
Silent House 2011
86 دقیقه
5.3/10 19929
فرانسه , آمریکا

1 جایزه و 2 نامزدی جایزه

Sarah returns with her father and uncle to fix up the family’s longtime summerhouse after it was violated by squatters in the off-season. As they work in the dark, Sarah begins to hear sounds from within the walls of the boarded-up building. Although she barely remembers the place, Sarah senses the past may still haunt the home.

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Ganool BluRay 720p x264 MKV Manual Sub Download

yek402343801 میگه 02 August 2019
فیلم در حد همین یا 4.5 ایناس هیچ موسیقی متنی نداره فیلمنامه ضعیف اما موضوع فیلم جالبه فقط ته فیلم میفهمین و اصلاااا ترسناک نیست
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