The Pirates! Band of Misfits 2012
The Pirates! Band of Misfits 2012
88 دقیقه
6.7/10 39707
انگلستان , آمریکا

نامزد 1 اسکار و 19 نامزدی جایزه

Pirate Captain sets out on a mission to defeat his rivals Black Bellamy and Cutlass Liz for the Pirate of the year Award. The quest takes Captain and his crew from the shores of Blood Island to the foggy streets of Victorian London.

Encoders Quality Encoding Format Size
Ganool BluRay 720p x264 MKV Manual Sub Download
Ganool DVDRip x264 MKV Manual Sub Download
Ganool BluRay 1080p x264 MKV Manual Sub Download

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